TLCM Teaching and Learning Conceptual Modelling
October 31st, 2018 - Vienna


Viewed as an activity, conceptual modeling involves an intricate array of cognitive processes and performed actions including: abstracting, conceptualizing, associating, contextualizing, interpreting & sense-making, judging & evaluating, drawing & visualizing; and, in group settings: communicating, discussing and agreeing. Learning conceptual modeling is, hence, a complex and challenging task for learners associated with codified as well as tacit knowledge and a learning process involving knowledge acquisition through experience (e.g., Sedrakyan and Snoeck 2017). Teaching conceptual modeling is a likewise challenging task faced by didactic and practical challenges. Teaching and learning conceptual modeling are linked through theories of learning and methods of teaching which build upon fundamental assumptions about learning and the learning process (often discussed in reference to the broad classification of behaviorism, cognitivism and constructivism).

The 1st Workshop on Teaching and Learning Conceptual Modeling at the PoEM Working Conference series provides a forum to exchange experiences on using and applying theories of teaching and learning when teaching conceptual modelling as well as novel ideas for teaching and learning conceptual modeling based on those theories, and to discuss research on teaching and learning conceptual modeling. Planned as a full day workshop with a highly interactive atmosphere, we seek to initiate constructive discussions and to foster in-workshop and post-workshop collaboration among participants. The workshop entails invited talks / keynote presentations and is open for participation and contributed short talks, e.g., on teaching innovations, teaching experiences, and teaching tool presentations.

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Detailed Program

Session 1 (11:00-12:30)

  • 11:00 — Workshop Opening

  • 11:15 — Keynote: Four-Component Instructional Design: Approaches to Scaffolding Complex Learning, Jeroen van Merrienboer

Lunch (12:20-14:00)

Session 2 — Talks (14:00-15:30)

  • 14:00 — Object-Oriented Modeling – Diversity matters!, Christian Huemer

  • 14:20 — Towards a Multi-Stage Strategy to Teach Enterprise Modelling, Erik Proper

  • 14:40 — Learning from conceptual models: Some insights from an eye-tracking study, Geert Poels

  • 15:00 — Conceptual Model-driven Development versus Conventional Programming: an Experimental Comparison, Oscar Pastor

  • 15:20 — Burning questions

Coffee Break (15:30-16:00)

Session 3 — Talks and Discussion(16:00-17:30)

  • 16:00 — Studying the learning of conceptual modeling: A learning observatory based on multi-modal data collection, Stefan Strecker & Kristina Rosenthal

  • 16:20 — Instructional design methods & Conceptual Modelling: Do we know how to teach it?, Monique Snoeck

  • 16:40 — Exploring Research Collaborations

  • 17:30 — Closing

Dinner at 19:00 at Restaurant Roth

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The workshop will be held at PoEM 2018. The exact location is (or will be made) available on the PoEM 2018 website.

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Kristina Rosenthal, University of Hagen, Germany

Estefania Serral, KU Leuven, campus Brussels

Monique Snoeck, KU Leuven, campus Leuven

Stefan Streckner, University of Hagen, Germany

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Abstracts and Downloads

Four-Component Instructional Design: Approaches to Scaffolding Complex Learning

Jeroen Van Merrienboer Jeroen J. G. van Merrienboer, School of Health Professions Education, Maastricht University, The Netherlands

Four-component instructional design offers a systematic approach to the design of educational programs for teaching complex skills such as clinical reasoning, doing research, or conceptual modelling. It stresses the use of authentic learning tasks that exhibit the same variability as can be found in the real world, and a well-designed educational program shows simple-to-complex sequencing of those tasks and decreasing learner support and guidance at each level of complexity. Students work on the learning tasks is promoted by three other components: (a) supportive information, which helps students to perform the reasoning, problem-solving and decision-making aspects of the learning tasks, (b) procedural information, which helps students to perform the routine aspects of learning tasks, and (c) part-task practice, which helps students to fully automate critical routine aspects of tasks. This keynote presentation will focus on 4C/ID's different approaches to scaffolding complex learning, such as build-in task support, modelling examples, process worksheets, performance constraints, and the provision of different types of information. The take-home message is that complex learning requires a well-designed learning environment in which students gradually build the competencies needed by beginning professionals.

Reference: Van Merrienboer, J. J. G., & Kirschner, P. A. (2018). Ten steps to complex learning (3rd Ed.). New York: Routledge.

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Material referenced during the presentation

Object-Oriented Modeling – Diversity matters!
Christian Huemer
"Object-Oriented Modeling – Diversity matters!" , by Christian Huemer Object-oriented Modeling (OOM) is a mandatory course for all students in computer science and business informatics at TU Vienna. It is a course of the second semester and it is usually completed by about 500 students per year. This high number of students also implies a great diversity of their needs mainly due to (i) learning types, (ii) previous education, (iii) native language, and (iv) special needs (e.g. those of deaf students). It was our goal to respond to the diversity of student needs by a diversity of different teaching and learning methods, to offer the best education in modeling to our students. In this presentation, we outline our teaching and learning methods, that helped us to reduce the percentage of students that fail in this course from 45% to 15%:
(1) The „digital“ lecture,
(2) The book,
(3) The practical lessons,
(4) The e-learning platform,
(5) The App,
(6) The exercises,
(7) The test

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Towards a Multi-Stage Strategy to Teach Enterprise Modelling
Erik Proper
This short presentation concerns a suggested multi-stage strategy to teach enterprise modelling. We start by positing some key challenges in teaching enterprise modelling, that are inherent to the actual act of modelling. These challenges are rooted on a theoretical perspective of modelling, as well as practical experiences. We then highlight a possible strategy to deal with these challenges in teaching modelling.

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Learning from conceptual models: Some insights from an eye-tracking study
Geert Poels
Conceptual models are a great tool to learn about a domain. Few studies have looked into how fast a domain is learned from a conceptual model. We provide first insights into an eye-tracking study that investigated how students look at conceptual models to retrieve and interpret the information needed for acquiring domain understanding. We compare viewing patterns for models constructed using different structuring principles and discuss the use of eye-tracking as a non-intrusive measurement instrument in empirical studies on learning from conceptual models.

Conceptual Model-driven Development versus Conventional Programming: an Experimental Comparison
Oscar Pastor
Conceptual Model-driven Development (MDD) is claimed to be the right solution for building software of high quality. Nevertheless, no convincing experimental evidences exist to assess that statement. In this talk, I will present an experiment that assesses this statement with the help of an industrial MDD tool. The experiment has been performed in the Master Course of Information Systems Engineering in the Polytechnic University of Valencia. The talk will focus on explaining how the experiment has been designed and performed, and the results that have been obtained.

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Other useful links:

Studying the learning of conceptual modeling: A learning observatory based on multi-model data collection
Stefan Strecker & Kristina Rosenthal
The complexity of learning conceptual modeling and the involved multifaceted learning processes suggest that research on learning conceptual modeling benefits from taking several complementary perspective. We present a browser-based modeling tool integrated with a learning observatory developed in support of learning conceptual modeling and of studying the learning of conceptual modeling. Implementing a multi-modal data collection approach, the learning observatory tracks learner-tool interactions, records verbal data from learners and surveys learners. In this short talk, we focus on the research design of a study based on the multi-modal data collection approach which aims at identifying difficulties faced in learning conceptual modeling.

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Instructional design methods & Conceptual Modelling: how is the fit?
Monique Snoeck
Instructional design methods provide guidance on course design. I will present my experiences with how using Bloom's Taxonomy and 4C/ID influenced my course design, and which difficulties I experienced in doing so.

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